Thursday, January 10, 2013

Signups keep rolling in for CMTT's Practical Pistol Fundamentals 1 (Ladies Only) course 17-Feb-2013. For those of you that have registered; thank you! You are in for a great day of instruction. If you have any questions at all please drop me a line. For the rest of those reading this, chances are you may know someone that would be interested or benefit from this training please pass  along.


  1. Sean,
    I have had the pleasure of taking the Practical Pistol Fund. course from you and CMTT a few months ago. I got so much from that CMTT course that I have signed up again for your Feb. Ladies only class. VERY EXCITED! I am having a difficult time finding 9mm rounds. Can you please advise on where to purchase 200-250 rounds for you next training class? Thank you in advance

    1. This is Shelly by the way! I jut set up this Google Blog and did it as Fusion...thought it would be easier.
      Thank you again!

  2. For those shooting 9mm we've been able to secure enough rounds for those wishing to take the course. We will offer the ammunition at cost with no mark up. If you're registered for the course, shooting a 9mm, and are having difficulty locating ammunition let us know and we'll take care of you.
